The Raabe College of Pharmacy at ɫTV University continually exceeds the high standards of pharmacy education. The program is distinctive in that it offers students professional pharmacy and patient-care experiences within the very first year of coursework. This is aided by the hands-on, real-world patient experiences through a network of high-quality and diverse pharmacy practice sites. Pharmacy offers many different career opportunities, and your College of Pharmacy experience will prepare you for anything you want to do.

Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum

Fall (P1) CH Spring (P1) CH
General Chemistry 1 Lecture CHEM 1731 4 General Chemistry 2 Lecture CHEM 1741 4
General Chemistry 1 Lab CHEM 1751 1 General Chemistry 2 Lab CHEM 1761 1
Biology 1 BIOL 1211orPhysics PHYS 2111 4 or 3 Physics PHYS 2111orBiology 1 BIOL 1211 3 of 4
Calculus MATH 1461orStatistics STAT 1761 3 Statistics STAT 1761orCalculus MATH 1461 3
Found. in Pharmacy Practice 1 PHPR 1101 3 Found. in Pharmacy Practice 2 PHPR 1121 3
Optional:Gen EdorOpen Elective 3 Gen EdorOpen Elective 3
Professional Development 1 PHPR 1901 0 Professional Development 2 PHPR 1931 0
Fall (P2) CH Spring (P2) CH
Organic Chemistry 1 Lecture CHEM 2511 3 Organic Chemistry 2 Lecture CHEM 2521 3
Organic Chemistry 1 Lab CHEM 2551 1 Organic Chemistry 2 Lab CHEM 2561 1
Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lecture BIOL 2361 3 Anatomy & Physiology 2 Lecture BIOL 2371 3
Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab BIOL 2461 1 Anatomy & Physiology 2 Lab BIOL 2471 1
Found. in Pharmacy Practice 3 PHPR 2131 3 Found. in Pharmacy Practice 4 PHPR 2141 3
Interprofessional Course PHPR 2921 1 Self Care PHPR 2151 3
Gen Ed 3 Gen Ed 3
Gen Ed 3 Professional Development 4 PHPR 2911 0
Professional Development 3 PHPR 2901 0
SUMMER:Community IPPE PHPR 2991 0
Fall (P3) CH Spring (P3) CH
Biochemistry 1 PHBS 3411 3 Biochemistry 2 PHBS 3421 3
Fund. Science of Pharm. 1 PHBS 3011 4 Fund. Science of Pharm 2 PHBS 3021 4
Found. in Pharmacy Practice 5 PHPR 3151 3 Found. in Pharmacy Practice 6 PHPR 3161 3
Principles of Mgmt BIZ 2331orGen Ed 3 Gen EdorPrinciples of Mgmt BIZ 2331 3
Gen Ed 3 Gen Ed 3
Professional Development 5 PHPR 3901 0 Professional Development 6 PHPR 3911 0
SUMMER:Institutional IPPE PHPR 3991 0
Fall (P4) CH Spring (P4) CH
Cardio, Hematology, & Pulmon 1 PHBS 4121 4 CNS, Neuro, Psych, Toxicology 1 PHBS 4221 4
Cardio, Hematology, & Pulmon 2 PHPR 4131 4 CNS, Neuro, Psych, Toxicology 2 PHPR 4231 4
Endocrine, Renal, & Urology PHPR 4141 5 M’skeletal, Con. Tiss, Immuno. & Derm PHBS 4241 2.5
Patient Care Process 1 PHPR 4111 2 Nutrition & GI PHPR 4251 2.5
Gen EdorOpen Elective 3 Patient Care Process 2 PHPR 4211 2
Professional Development 7 PHPR 4901 0 Gen EdorOpen Elective 3
Elective IPPEorService Learning IPPE PHPR 4991^ 0 Professional Development 8 PHPR 4911 0
Elective IPPEorService Learning IPPE PHPR 4991^ 0
Fall (P5) CH Spring (P5) CH
Med Micro & Infectious Disease 1 PHBS 5121 4 APPE Preparation PHPR 5211 2
Med Micro & Infectious Disease 2 PHPR 5131 4 Pharmacotherapy Capstone PHPR 5231 6
Oncologic Pharmacotherapy PHBS 5141 3 Adv Topics in Social & Admin Pharm PHPR 5221 3
Pediatrics, Pregnancy, Geriatrics PHPR 5151 2 Professional Electives 4
Patient Care Process 3 PHPR 5111 2 Professional Development 10 PHPR 5911 0
Professional Development 9 PHPR 5901 0 Elective IPPEorService Learning IPPE PHPR 4991^ 0
Elective IPPEorService Learning IPPE PHPR 4991^ 0
Fall (P6) CH Spring (P6) CH
Advanced Practice Rotations (5 in total) 4 each Advanced Practice Rotations (4 in total) 4 each
Professional Development 11 PHPR 6901 0 Professional Development 12 PHPR 6911

^ There are a variety of courses available for the Elective IPPEs; Service Learning IPPE is the same course (PHPR 4991). These will be taken in one of the following sessions: P4 fall, P4 spring, summer btwn P4 & P5, P5 fall, P5 spring (cannot complete both in the same session).

Other requirements on page 2 (general education, open electives, and professional electives)

General Education Requirements Electives

Written Communication (ONU #1)

ENGL 1221

ENGL 1511*

ENGL 1521*

*for international students only

Oral Communication (ONU #2)*

☐ Requirement Met

Knowledge of Human Thought and Culture (ONU #6)*

☐ Requirement Met

Social Science (ONU #7a)

PSYC 1001

SOC 1001

Business (ONU #7b)

ABUS 2221

BIZ 2021

BIZ 2031

BIZ 2101

Aesthetics (ONU #8)*

☐ Requirement Met

Ethics (ONU #9)

PHIL 2401

HONR 2401

Diverse Cultures (ONU #10)*

☐ Requirement Met

  • Please review complete list of acceptable courses for this requirement in DegreeWorks.